A God known is no more God; He has become finite like one of us. He cannot be known, He is always the Unknowable One.
If one this is obvious to me, it is this that desires bring all misery; it is the state of the beggar, who is always begging for something, and unable to see anything without the wish to possess it, is always longing, longing for more. If the power to satisfy our desires is increased in arithmetical progression, the power of desire is increased in geometrical progression.
God cannot want anything. If He desires, He cannot be God, He will be imperfect. So all talk about God desiring this and that, and becoming angry and pleased by turns in babies´ talk, but it means nothing. Therefore it has been taught by all teachers, "Desire nothing, give up all desires and be perfectly satisfied".
Jnana-Yoga, Swami Vivekananda, Advaita Ashrama, Kolkata, 2010.
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